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Podcast kansikuva

Over a million streams!

Sijoitusovi Podcast is a podcast about real estate investing. Hosted by Anna Perho, it features interviews with professionals, experts and enthusiasts in the field of residential investment. The podcast provides a comprehensive overview of the opportunities, trends and key challenges in residential investment.

The Sijoitusovi podcast has a wide range of guests, including not only housing industry professionals but also well-known figures such as Samu Haber and Jari Sarasvuo. The aim of the podcast is to provide listeners with information on real estate market developments in a comprehensible and easy to enjoy format. Of course, the episodes also cover other topics, but the main focus is on real estate.

Krash produced the first two seasons of the the Sijoitusovi podcast, both in audio and video. The seasons have so far gathered over a million views and listens. The ISijoitusovir podcast has been a commercial success, proving how a podcast with a moderately narrow core audience can achieve widespread popularity.

Production information

Anna Perho
Anna Perho
Publication platform