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Podcast kansikuva

In this podcast, ex-high drinkers Laura Wathén and Katri Ylinen, who met on Instagram, discuss the role alcohol plays in our lives - and what life has been like before and after you've corked up. Why did they decide to stop drinking alcohol? What were the most difficult situations they faced and how did their friends react? What does it mean to be sober curious and what kind of lifestyle change is sobering up? And how do you get through the Christmas season without a glass of mulled wine?

The aim of the Darravapaana podcast is to share the good news of a sober life in a relaxed way, without judging anyone. The podcast's guest cast includes some of the most interesting teetotalers and less sober individuals, from Miki Liukkonen and Laura Haimila to Kaarlo Simojoki.

The total number of listeners of the series is in the hundreds of thousands and the most popular single episode has over 25 000 listens.

Krash has been involved in the conceptualisation of the series, as well as its recording and other technical production.

Production information

Katri Ylinen & Laura Wathén
Katri Ylinen & Laura Wathén
Yle Sisältöhankinta
Publication platform