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Podcast kansikuva

In the Tech-talk podcast, OP Group's tech guru and director Saija Antikainen sheds light on the latest phenomena in the tech sector with a rotating panel of expert guests. OP Tech Podcast is a podcast series about new technology solutions and ways of working in the financial sector.

Krash has carried out the technical production, advertising production and scripting of the Tech Talk podcast. The aim of the series is to present the most interesting issues in the technology sector, especially in financial technology, in an understandable way, accompanied by top guests. It will raise the profile of OP's brand as a technology operator and employer, and highlight the competence of OP's experts.

In terms of soundscape, the series is optimistically futuristic. The length of the episodes has been kept closer to half an hour than an hour, so that even the commuter can get to the end of the episode before arriving at the office. On the visual side, the series aims for a relaxed and informal, yet professional feel. The materials are naturally aligned with the OP brand.

Production information

Saija Antikainen
Krash Oy
OP Group
Publication platform