Vastausta vailla - Investigative true crime podcast
Vastausta vailla - Investigative true crime podcast

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Podcast kansikuva

In the Vastausta vailla series, crime writers Heidi Holmavuo and Elina Backman investigate domestic unsolved cases. Homicides and disappearances with a twist. What happened back then? Why is the case still in the dark? Could it still be possible to find new information?

- "The two of us have already once worked together to get the police to reopen an old homicide investigation - that's why we can't stop. In this podcast, we visit crime scenes, dig through archives, talk to people and our aim is to find something new in every case we work on - potentially something that will move the case forward."

Krash's comments: In producing this podcast, we wanted to make sure that the series sounded like a truly investigative journalism. The soundscape emphasizes the dramatic atmosphere and the field recordings add depth to the narrative. In the promotional materials, we specifically focused on presenting the cases in each episode to capture the interest of the audience.

Vastausta vailla julkaistiin ensimmäistä kertaa 26.5 yksinoikeudella Podimossa.

Production information

Heidi Holmavuo & Elina Backman
Heidi Holmavuo & Elina Backman
Publication platform